Marvelous model Tehmeena Speaks Out About Vicious Magazine Scam
1BaD_AzZ – So first things first – everyone wants to know – in looking back would you make the same decisions?
Tehmeena – Honestly, we all know hindsight is 20/20 – but in looking back – I spoke with Harley every single day, several times a day for weeks while we were setting everything up, the photo shoots, the retouches, the ordering. I’ve been on 100’s of photo shoots and this was one of the most professional shoots I have ever been involved with, they did 4 great looks for me, and Harley was involved in everything that was happening through text and email through the day of the photo shoot. He was prompt in choosing the shots, and seemed pretty organized. I’ve been doing this for a long time and nothing seemed abnormal about the process until the shipping issue. The photographer had agreements, so I was ready to shoot and ready to promote it.
1BaD_AzZ – Did you find it odd that he asked you to wire the money into his account rather than use PayPal?
Tehmeena – Not really – I didn’t even think twice about it because the minute he asked me to pay him that way I said absolutely not, and he agreed. I never intended to pay him any other way.
1BaD_AzZ – What’s the Worst part of this situation?
Tehmeena – Definitely the thought of disappointing any of my fans. I think I have some of the most supportive fans ever!
1BaD‑AzZ – So what made you make such a big stink of the situation?
Tehmeena – Initially I wasn’t going to say anything. I was going to take the blame for myself. I was a little embarrassed that I got scammed – especially being a veteran in the industry- my instincts told me that I could have avoided it. But as I got thinking I realized that none of this was really my fault. The thing that sent me over the edge was being blocked from Facebook. It made me so angry that he wouldn’t even confront me with an answer, explanation or anything and then chose to ignore me. I gave him so many chances to say something. If he would have said I can’t get the copies until next week, but it’s for real and I promise I’ll get them to you I would have been angry, but I would have accepted that, but now you’ve disrespected me, and my fans and that’s not fair.
1BaD_AzZ – So you haven’t heard anything at all from these grimy bastards?
Tehmeena – *Smiles* Nope – but I’ve heard that they’ve done this to a few models before. They were just too embarrassed to say anything. I heard that the guy basically makes a couple of copies in his living room, and walks around with 1 or 2 copies just for show. From my understanding, he only had 1 copy of the magazine at the release party in Texas. Others told me he puts copies of the magazine rack at Walmart and takes pictures of it.
A lot of people contacted me after I explained what happened to my fans on Twitter & FaceBook, with different stories of dealing with this guy, including models who said they received vicious threats that they would be “gutted” if they tried exposing them. These models were all scammed in different ways – some didn’t get mag’s, some hosted parties they didn’t get paid for, some had photos used without consent. Once I heard that, I realized that I could not let this happen to ANYONE EVER AGAIN.
1BaD_AzZ – So now you just told the world.
Tehmeena – Truthfully – I didn’t lose anything. Between the photo shoot, wardrobe, video, promotional merchandise, and the rest of the expenses I’m only out a couple thousand dollars. But as a whole, I just can’t see someone like this getting away with doing this to any other models or people in the industry, besides the fact that it makes the industry look bad as a whole, I’ve been doing this a long time and this is my first bad experience. I just can’t see any other girls going through this.
1BaD_AzZ – So what’s the verdict – what’s going to happen now?
Tehmeena – I recently announced that I will still be sending all 11 photos that were promised in the spread to each person who placed a pre-order. My site is also allowing for purchase of those photos,
I also, released the photos taken at the shoot online for my fans and on my website. It’s not fair that they lose out because of this.
I want to thank Al Rodriguez, Joseph Kloss, Eve Rodriguez, James ‘Latin’ Clark and all those involved in these photos. Also, thank you to Blake Gaston of StackHouse Recordings, and the folks at Hall of Fame Music in Queens NY for all of your support, much respect.
Modelo maravilhosa Tehmeena Azfal fala sobre o caso da revista Vicious Scam
Então, as primeiras coisas primeiro - todos querem saber - em olhar para trás você faria as mesmas decisões?
Falei com o Harley, várias vezes por semana, enquanto estávamos estabelecendo tudo, as sessões de fotos, os retoques. Eu estive em 100 das sessões de fotos e este foi um dos profissionais mais ATIVOS que eu já estive envolvido, eles fizeram tudo parecer ótimo para mim, e Harley estava envolvido em tudo o que estava acontecendo por meio de texto e e-mail com o dia de a sessão de fotos. Ele foi rápida na escolha das fotos , e parecia muito organizado. Eu venho fazendo isso há muito tempo e nada parecia anormal sobre o processo até que o problema do transporte. O fotógrafo tinha acordos, então eu estava pronto para para promovê-lo
- Tehmeena Não é verdade - eu nem sequer pensei duas vezes sobre isso, porque o minuto que ele me pediu para lhe pagar uma maneira que eu não disse absolutamente não, e ele concordou. Nunca tive intenção de pagar-lhe qualquer outra forma -.Qual é a pior parte dessa situação?- Tehmeena -Definitivamente o pensamento foi decepcionante para qualquer um dos meus fãs. Acho que tenho alguns dos fãs mais apoio sempre!
Então,o que fez você fazer tal um grande alarde da situação?
- Tehmeena Inicialmente eu não ia dizer nada. Eu ia levar a culpa para mim. Eu estava um pouco envergonhado que eu tenho enganado - especialmente sendo um veterano na indústria meus instintos me disseram que eu poderia ter evitado isso. Mas como eu comecei a pensar, percebi que nada disso foi realmente culpa minha. A única coisa que me enviou sobre a borda estava sendo impedido de Facebook. Isso me deixou tão irritado que ele nem sequer me confrontar com uma resposta, explicação ou qualquer coisa e, então, resolveu me ignorar. Eu lhe dei muitas oportunidades para dizer alguma coisa. Se ele tivesse dito que eu não consigo as cópias até a próxima semana, mas isso é real e eu prometo que vou levá-los a você, eu teria ficado com raiva, mas eu teria aceitado isso, mas agora você me desrespeitaram , e meus fãs e que não é justo
.Então você não tenha ouvido alguma coisa a partir desses bastardos sujos?
- Tehmeena Smiles -mas eu ouvi que eles fizeram isso com algumas modelos antes. Eles só estavam com vergonha de dizer qualquer coisa. Ouvi dizer que o cara fez, basicamente, um par de cópias em sua sala de estar, e anda por aí com 1 ou 2 cópias apenas para mostrar. No meu entendimento, ele só tinha um exemplar da revista na festa de lançamento no Texas. Outros me disseram que ele coloca as cópias do porta-revistas no Walmart e tiraas foto.
Um monte de gente me contactou depois o que aconteceu com os meus fãs no Twitter e Facebook, com histórias diferentes de lidar com esse cara, incluindo modelos que disse receberam ameaças se tentassem expô-los. Estas modelos foram todos enganadas de diversas formas - alguns não conseguiram serem pagas, alguns tiveram fotos usadas sem seu consentimento. Uma vez eu ouvi isso, eu percebi que eu não poderia deixar isso acontecer novamente
Então, qual é o veredicto - o que vai acontecer agora?
- Tehmeena recentemente anunciou que continuará a emitir todas as 11 fotos que foram prometidas na expansão a cada pessoa que colocou uma pré-encomenda. Meu site também está permitindo a compra das fotos,
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