Você já deve ter visto o video I KNOW YOUWANT ME do tal pit bull um car que faz um regggaton de qualidade duvidoso, o video em questão traz a dançarina de bikini prata ALIAS ESTE É O O MOTIVO DESTE POST chamada SAGIA CASTANEDA uma nelly furtado com corpo de samba dancer do carnaval brasileiro
em funçao do seu rebolado e de sua beleza QUE É BEM MELHOR QUE A MUSICA a faz ter várias paginas no facebook. e ser seguida no Twitter e Myspace .
O rebolado medusa e a belza de Sagia fez até o tal Pit bull ganhar o grammy latino .
Sagia castaneda não tem sangue azul mas é rainha.
You may have seen the video I KNOW YOU WANT ME it's a pit bull that makes a car regggaton of dubious quality, the video in question features a silver bikini dancer (MAKE THE POST FOR THIS ) call SAGIA CASTANEDA one body with Nelly Furtado samba dancer Brazilian Carnival as a function of their booty and beauty IS WELL BETTER THAN THE MUSIC makes have several pages on facebook. and be followed on Twitter and MySpace. jellyfish and the booty beatifull Sagia made up of the Pit bull that earn Latin Grammy. Sagia castaneda has blue blood but is queen.You may have seen the video I WANT ME KNOW it's a pit bull that makes a car regggaton of dubious quality, the video in question features a silver bikini dancer ALIAS OO THIS IS WHY THIS POST call SAGIA CASTANEDA one body with Nelly Furtado samba dancer Brazilian Carnival as a function of their booty and beauty IS WELL BETTER THAN THE MUSIC makes have several pages on facebook. and be followed on Twitter and MySpace. jellyfish and the booty belza Sagia made up of the Pit bull that earn Latin Grammy. Sagia castaneda has blue blood but is queen.
pit bull e sagia castaneda