sábado, 19 de março de 2011


quem será o novo vilão do filme batman ?é mais um misterio quem será a nova mulher gato?
São misterios que o Batman deveria resolver Já pensou batman tentando
resolver este caso interrogando os proprios atores do filme como Gary Oldamn por exemplo:

Quem é o novo vilão Oldman?
pergunta batman:
Eu acho que será um vilão dos velhos comics books!
responde Oldman:

Mas Christoffer Nolan já desmentiu tudo isto na LOs angeles times
inclusive de quem será a mulher gato que está entre Jessica biel (minha preferida),Keira Kntthely e Anna Hathaway e só fica no quarto filme se Cris Bale repensar sobre o caso .

Só Tom Hardy de a Origem como Bane tem confirmação no filme este caso para Batman de quem erá o proximo
vilão do filme é uma grande charada???

Comic book fans and cinemaphiles have a common question on their lips today: Who will be Batman's new nemesis in the 'Dark Knight Rises'?

Speaking to E! Online at the premiere of 'Red Riding Hood,' Gary Oldman, who plays Commissioner Gordon in the Christopher Nolan-directed superhero reboots, revealed, "I think it's a villain from one of the old, old, from way back from the old comics."

It was already confirmed that 'Inception' star Tom Hardy would be making an appearance as Bane, and Anne Hathaway beat out some heavy competition, including Keira Knightley and Jessica Biel, to land the role of Catwoman. But reports of Nolan casting Joseph Gordon-Levitt in an unspecified role in the third installment have led to a new round of villainous rumors.
Oldman wouldn't give away much, but he did confirm, "It's not going to be the Joker." Late actor Heath Ledger won a posthumous Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his turn as the Joker in 'The Dark Knight.' Nolan already confirmed last summer that the Joker would not be making a return. "For me, Heath was the definitive Joker," he said. "It wouldn't feel appropriate to readdress that character."

If Gordon-Levitt is, in fact, joining the cast, he would make a great Riddler, but Nolan quashed those rumors before they even started when he told the Los Angeles Times in October, "It won't be the Riddler."

And we won't be getting any more hints from Oldman, who, when pressed, added, "If I told you who the villain was, they'd kill me."

Nolan hinted that he plans to make 'The Dark Knight Rises' his last contribution to the franchise when he told the Los Angeles Times, "We want to finish our story." Christian Bale, who stars as Batman, also revealed that this would be his last time appearing in the role "unless Chris says different."



Before the National Lampoon turned into a factory for the worst comedy movies ever made, it was a ground-breaking humor magazine that exposed the world to some of the funniest humorists on Earth. Nothing was sacred in the Lampoon, as evidenced by issue #22's "Son-O-God," which starred nebbishy Myron Cohen, a Brooklyn Jew, who upon taking the Lord's name in vain can be transformed into a superpowerful Savior. His arch-enemy? The Pope, of course.

Antes da National Lampoon se transformou em uma fábrica de filmes de comédia a pior de todos os tempos, era uma revista de humor, que expôs ao mundo a alguns dos mais divertidos humoristas. Nada era sagrado na Paródia,como evidenciado pelo número 22 o "Filho-O-Deus", que estrelou Myron Cohen, um judeu do Brooklyn, que ao assumir o nome do Senhor em vão, pode ser transformado em um Salvador superpoderoso. Seu arqui-inimigo? O Papa, é claro.

meu comentario
se batman fosse a versão biblica de Jesus Cristo seria o cavaleiro da luz?
Maria Madalena seria a mulher gato já que as duas foram prostitutas e logo
se redimiram.

Pilatos eria o Comissario Gordon, por caça-lo ao mandar prende-lo asssim como fez na hq Batman ano de Frank Miller David machuzzelli

Diferente de Batman Jesus Cristo tem o poder de morre e sempre ressucita no final e por isto
é o heroí mais invecível e incorruptível e vide apassagem que o demonio tentar compra sua alma e se humilha e ser crufixadfo em nome da humanidade.

e fazer justiça sem desferir(apesar do seu momento tiazinha onde chicoteou alguns infieis por tentar ganhras suas custas) um golpe se quer

POr isto Jesus Cristo é um heroí que tem estrela



ALEXNDRA WALLACE causou tempestade na web ao reclamar dos alunos asáticos,
de sua falculdade na Universidade da california onde cursa CIENCIAS POLITICAS
Mas politia de boa vizinhança é coisa da qual ela ainda não aprendeu!


jennifer_aniston.jpg (359×526)

jENIFER ANISTON VIROU a cabeça de muito marmanjo neste video que disseram ser um sex -tape até tem
este fato mas você só vai saber o porque vendo este video campeão de audiencia
também pudera ela é linda

quinta-feira, 17 de março de 2011


surfistas botam pra quebra em video enquanto descasam da etapa de surf na australia
REPAREM na loirinha rebolando a la sheila melo


a reporter faz um comentario que tem muito de verdade muita gente vai
amara sua declaração desde que seja um esclarecido
é tudo verdade




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NOVO COMERCIAL DA cherry coke com fergie
seduzir o consumidor não vai ser tarefa dificil

Damn, high fructose corn syrup has never looked so good!

Fergie shot her commercial for Dr. Pepper in nothing but a sexy black lace negligee and sky high heels. Now that's how you sell soda!

She looks at the camera andseductively says: "Now that's smooth." Then manages to tie a knot in a cherrystem with her tongue. She's clearly talented with her tongue. Josh Duhamel is a lucky guy!


Alarmados egípcios resgatou dezenas de documentos na posse de estado de segurança do Egito serviço e as publicou na Internet, depois que autoridades de inteligência aparentemente tentou queimá-los. Se os documentos são verdadeiros, o Ministério do Interior egípcio parece ter ordenado a 2.005 ataques terroristas em Sharm el-Sheik.
Foram  achado documentos  ou dezenas deles na posse do estado de segunraça
do egito e foi publicado  na internet deois que as autoridades tentou queima-los
o governo egipico ordenou mais de de 2.005 ataques terrorista em Sharm el-Sheik
Seus crime podem ter a iluminação por ter havido um incedio no edificio que
continha o documento que ele se aproveitndo do momento da rebelião mandou incediou o local para destruir  os arquivos confindeciais

Mubarak tinha o apoio dos americanos até agora  e este fato é algo
que não se podia tolerar um politico como Mubarak  no comando
do ERgito ainda mais que seu governo era subsidado em 3 bilhoes de dolares
e muito deste dinheiro foi usado nestes ataques

MUbarak tentou queimar os documentos mas quem ficou queimando foi ele
e  ele esta caindo a escuridão.


Será que Mubarak' ordenou  ataques terroristas ?   

Por Musharbash Yassin e Windfuhr Volkhard
Um suposto junho 2005 nota postada no Facebook: É uma falsificação ou real?
Alarmados egípcios resgatou dezenas de documentos na posse de estado de segurança do Egito serviço e as publicou na Internet, depois que autoridades de inteligência aparentemente tentou queimá-los. Se os documentos são verdadeiros, o Ministério do Interior egípcio parece ter ordenado a 2.005 ataques terroristas em Sharm el-Sheik.
Particularmente sensíveis são duas notas alegada data de 2005, no que parece ser a"política do departamento secreto" do Ministério do Interior do Egito. Os documentos sugerem que o regime do presidente Hosni Mubarak caiu pode ter ordenado os ataques terroristas mortais no resort do Mar Vermelho da cidade de Sharm el-Sheikh, na península do Sinai, em Julho de 2005.

'Zero Hora', em Sharm el-Sheik

Datado 07 de junho de 2005, o segredo do documento supostamente afirma: "Ontem à 2:30 pm, nos reunimos com Mohammad H., Osama M., M. e A Rafit Siad  concordaram com todos os pontos dos planos para a implementação de Cessão 231 de 29 de janeiro 2005. Acordámos a concentrar-se em três veículos equipados com explosivos, na área ao redor da baía de Naama, de modo que a primeira fosse explodir à entrada do Hotel Mövenpick, o segundo ... perto do hotel e a terceira no Mövenpick Village, que pertencem todos ao Sr. Hussain Salim ... Nós concordamos que a hora zero na manhã de 23 de julho de 2005.
"Aconteceu  realmente naquela manhã, 1h15, em quase exatamente os locais citados no documento, e resultando em mais de 80 mortes. A até então desconhecida grupo dissidente do al- Qaeda reivindicou a autoria do atentado no resort, que é extremamente popular entre os turistas europeus.
Ostensivo Outra nota relativa a "Cessão 231," parece fornecer o contexto para o ato. Ele supostamente relata que uma disputa comercial irrompera entre Gamal Mubarak, filho do presidente Hosni Mubarak, e hoteleiro Hassain Salim.

Alarmed Egyptians rescued dozens of documents held by Egypt's state security service and posted them on the Internet after intelligence officials apparently tried to burn them. If the documents are real, the Egyptian Interior Ministry appears to have ordered the 2005 terror attacks on Sharm el-Sheik.
CAIRO/BERLIN -- Egypt's state security apparatus was quite literally a state within a state -- omnipresent, brutal, equipped with immense resources, and uncontrollable. Some of its crimes may now be coming to light. Over the weekend, Egyptian citizens secured secret documents from state security headquarters in Cairo. Shortly before, a fire had broken out in the building. Many in the opposition that helped to topple the Mubarak regime believe it was an arson attack aimed at destroying sensitive files.

An Alleged June 2005 memo posted on Facebook: Is it real or a fake?
Alarmed Egyptians rescued dozens of documents held by Egypt's state security service and posted them on the Internet after intelligence officials apparently tried to burn them. If the documents are real, the Egyptian Interior Ministry appears to have ordered the 2005 terror attacks on Sharm el-Sheik.
CAIRO/BERLIN -- Egypt's state security apparatus was quite literally a state within a state -- omnipresent, brutal, equipped with immense resources, and uncontrollable. Some of its crimes may now be coming to light. Over the weekend, Egyptian citizens secured secret documents from state security headquarters in Cairo. Shortly before, a fire had broken out in the building. Many in the opposition that helped to topple the Mubarak regime believe it was an arson attack aimed at destroying sensitive files.ANZEIGE
Since then, dozens of documents have been posted online. Some appear to be authentic, while others clearly appear to be fakes. Verification of the files is very difficult and manipulation cannot be ruled out. Some of the documents hint at scandalous dealings.
Particularly sensitive are two alleged memos dating from 2005 on what appears to be the letterhead of a "secret political department" of Egypt's Interior Ministry. The documents suggest the regime of fallen President Hosni Mubarak may have ordered the deadly terror attacks in the Red Sea resort city Sharm el-Sheikh on the Sinai peninsula in July 2005.
'Zero Hour' in Sharm el-Sheik
Dated June 7, 2005, the purported secret document states: "Yesterday at 2:30 p.m., we met with Mohammad H., Osama M., Rafit M. and Siad A and agreed on all the points of the plans for the implementation of Assignment 231 of January 29, 2005. We agreed to focus on three vehicles equipped with explosives, in the area around Naama Bay, so that the first would explode at the entrance to the Mövenpick Hotel, the second … near the hotel and the third in Mövenpick Village, which all belong to Mr. Hussain Salim … We agreed that the zero hour should be on the morning of July 23, 2005."
Attacks really did take place on that morning, at 1:15 a.m., at almost precisely the locations cited in the document, and resulting in more than 80 deaths. A previously unknown al-Qaida splinter group claimed responsibility for the attack at the resort, which is extremely popular with European tourists.
Another ostensible memo relating to "Assignment 231," appears to provide the context for the act. It allegedly reports that a business dispute had broken out between Gamal Mubarak, the son of President Hosni Mubarak, and hotelier Hassain Salim.
Opposition Speaks of 'Mubarak's Gestapo'
Was the Egyptian regime unscrupulous enough to instigate mass murder in order to support the private goals of the president's family? For now, the veracity of the document has not been proven. The fact that the circumstances of the attack and the alleged guidelines in the memo fit together so well could be seen as an indicator for either scenario: that the document was forged, or that it is real.
Nevertheless, it would be extremely unusual for a secret service to put an assignment like this in writing. On the other hand, though, who would fabricate a document like that -- why, and on whose behalf? It appears that only state security service insiders, with the help of historians, will be able differentiate between the real and forged documents -- and that work might have to come at a much later date. This uncertainty also applies to the remaining findings, that nevertheless were published. But, in part, they are clearly more plausible. "Mubarak's Gestapo," the name given by the opposition press for the secret service, was involved in criminal activities on all levels.
One example was the sham parliamentary elections in 2010. In those elections, the ruling party, National Democratic Party (NDP), emerged with 97 percent of the vote; attempts to defamethe Mubarak opponent Mohammed ElBaradei and candidates running for president was achieved; carefully planned physical intimidation of well-known opponents to the regime was carried out, as was the safeguarding of illegal transactions involving influential politicians on the ministerial level.
According to preliminary information, it appears high-ranking government officials with close proximity to Mubarak's son Gamal used the power of the secret service for their own purposes. The illegal, but most profitable, usurpation of state-owned land and the lucrative misappropriation of potentially fertile land along the desert highways between Cairo and Alexandria and Cairo and the Suez Canal -- that were supposed to be used to advance urgently needed expansions to agricultural farmland -- all of that would not have been possible without the "cooperation" of the feared agency of oppression.
Work Begins in Dealing with Past
First in Alexandria, then in the large cities along the Nile Delta, such as Damanhur and Kafr el-Sheik, and in the regional capitals, fearless demonstrators succeeded in occupying the branch offices of the secret service, and secured numerous documents detailing the machinations and crimes of the hated agency.
It will only be possible to determine the size of the spoils after a difficult period of stock-taking -- not least of which because the officers responsible either had the compromising documents burned or shredded, often at the last minute. Given the scope of the spying against the country's residents, with the use of the most modern bugging systems and bestial torture, the military's ruling council, as the country's highest authority, moved to dissolve the state security apparatus after Mubarak's forced resignation.
The army has also requested that Egyptians return documents or, at least, not publish them. Indeed, lists are circulating with names of supposed informants that have not been blacked out -- a development that could have devastating consequences for those in question. Even opponents of the Mubarak regime are dicussing the ethics of publishing such documents -- and some are pleading for caution.
What began more than two decades ago far away in in Germany, with the dissolution of the East German Stasi secret police and reunification, now appears to be starting in Egypt. The country is beginning to come to terms with its difficult history under the Mubarak regime.


Posted via email from alledz's posterous


When I was a young man, seeing a topless scene on TV was all but impossible, aside from the occasional native woman on PBS. But thankfully, things have changed. Now, anyone who isn’t too poor to afford premium cable can easily watch some tig ol’ bitties whenever the mood strikes. What an age we live in.
The following 15 scenes are all from HBO’s lineup. We tried to spread it around to include several different shows, which is why five of your favorite girls from “Entourage” or “True Blood” probably didn’t make the cut. Sorry, but that’s life. Besides, at the end of the day, you’re still looking at naked breasts.
Also, in case you didn’t guess, all the links to video are NSFW.

São 15 cenas mais postei só algumas que já vale apena conferir

Antigamente para ver uma cena de peitos era quase impossivel tinha que se esperar
pela Sexta-feira e conferir a Sala especial filmes nacionais   que hoje faz a festa na tv Brasil
Vera fischer e Matilde Mastrangi eram as preferidas da garotada hoje com a tv a cabo ou até mesmo propria internet facilitou até demais esta cenas mas aqui esta algumas das cenas que fazem a festa nos seriados da HBO como true Blood

Anna Paquin – “True Blood”

There’s no way we could include all of the great topless scenes from “True Blood” on this list. But we’d be remiss if we didn’t include Anna Paquin (a.k.a. Sookie Stackhouse). She looks so hot in her pony tail and barmaid outfit, and she looks a lot better out of it. Plus, she can read minds, which might come in handy from time to time. Guess what I’m thinking about right now? That’s right…Star Wars.

Anna Paquin - "True Blood"

Não há nenhuma maneira que nós poderíamos incluir todas as grandes cenas de topless de "True Blood" nesta lista. Mas nós seríamos negligentes se não incluir Anna Paquin Ela parece tão quente com seu rabo de cavalo de garçonete, e ela parece um pouco melhor com isso. Além disso, ela pode ler mentes, o que pode vir a calhar de vez em quando. Adivinha o que eu estou pensando agora? Isso mesmo ...StarWars.
nunca se poderia pensar que vampira desmontrasse outros poderes que não só sugar
os poderes de outros X-mens vai além disso não é mesmo.

Sasha Grey – “Entourage”

Sasha Grey plays herself on “Entourage.” And as you’d expect from a porn star, she’s not shy about her body. She appears topless on several occasions, and even does a full-nude scene (see the link below). Of course, that would be a lot more exciting if a simple Google search wouldn’t bring up pictures of her getting tag-teamed by five guys at once. But hey, nudity is nudity.

Sasha Grey - "Entourage"

Sasha Grey atuou em "Entourage". E como você esperaria de uma estrela pornô, ela não tem vergonha de seu corpo. Ela aparece de topless em diversas ocasiões, e ainda faz uma cena de nu frontal vá no link do post logo abaixo. É claro que isso seria muito mais emocionante se uma simples busca no Google não iria trazer fotos dela numaq suruba ela  e mais cinco caras ao mesmo tempo. Mas a nudez, é nudez.

Lizzy Caplan – “True Blood”

(Spoiler Alert) Lizzy Caplan played Amy Burley, America’s favorite degenerate V addict. Of course, she might have gone clean, if she hadn’t been tragically murdered. But at least we have this awesome topless scene to remember her by.

Lizzy Caplan - "True Blood"

(Spoiler Alert), Lizzy Caplan atua como Amy Burley, degenerada viciada  América em V. Claro, ela poderia ter ido adiante , se ela não tivesse sido tragicamente assassinada. Mas pelo menos temos este cena topless impressionante para relembra-lo.

15. Kristin Proctor – “The Wire”

In season two of “The Wire,” Kristin Proctor has a very brief, yet very memorable role as the girlfriend of Nick Sobotka. To be honest, I don’t remember much of her dialogue. But I do remember this amazing and somewhat pointless topless scene.

15. Kristin Proctor - "The Wire"

Na segunda temporada de "The Wire", Kristin Proctor tem uma breve, mas memorável papel como a namorada de Nick Sobotka. Para ser honesto, eu não me lembro muito do seu diálogo. Mas eu me lembro disso e um tão  inútil quanto sua cena de topless cena .

Rebecca Creskoff – “Hung”

HBO’s “Hung” doesn’t get the same amount of buzz that other shows on the network seem to get. But based entirely on this picture or Rebecca Creskoff naked, I’m going to give the show another chance.

- Rebecca Creskoff "Hung"

"Hung" não recebeu a mesma quantidade de novidades que mostra na rede parecem. Mas, baseado inteiramente em imagem da Rebecca Creskoff nua, eu vou  te dar uma outra chance.

Katy Mixon (Body Double) – “East Bound and Down”

Katy Mixon plays April Buchanon, the buxom brunette elementary school teacher who steals Kenny Powers’ heart. Speaking of stealing, if I didn’t know any better, I’d swear she was shoplifting melons. Unfortunately, we don’t get to see said melons, as she uses a body double. But whoever they hired did a really, really good job.

Katy Mixon (Body Double) - "East Bound and Down"

Katy Mixon execuções Buchanon abril, a morena rechonchuda professora de escola primária que rouba o de coração Kenny Powers. Falando em  roubar, se eu não soubesse melhor, eu juraria que ela estava furtando melões. Infelizmente, nós não conseguimos ver os melões disse, enquanto ela usa um dublê de corpo. Mas quem eles contrataram fez, muito bom trabalho.

Claire Van Der Boom – “The Pacific”

“The Pacific” isn’t exactly your go-to series for topless scenes. However, I felt the need to include it. Why? Because without the few glimpses of nudity the series provided, it might have been the most depressing show in history. Thank God for tits. Also, there were a few other topless scenes that might have been better, but this actress’ last name is “Van Der Boom,” and that goes a long way in my book.

Claire Van Der Boom - "The Pacific"

"The Pacific" não é exatamente série para as cenas de topless. No entanto, senti a necessidade de incluí-lo. Por quê? Porque sem a poucos vislumbres de nudez na série prevista, que poderia ter sido o programa mais deprimente da história. Agradeça a Deus pela mamas. Além disso, houve algumas outras cenas de topless que poderia ter sido melhor, mas  o sobrenome da atriz é "Van Der Boom", e que vai um longo caminho em um  livro.

Polly Walker – “Rome”

You can’t do a show about ancient Rome without showing some skin. Well, you can, but nobody wants to watch an hour-long show about Cato the Younger’s wacky senatorial adventures. That’s where Polly Walker (Atia) comes in. Her breasts have more screen time than Lepidus, and he was in The Second Triumvirate! Ugh, you don’t care, do you? Fine, just look at the titties

Polly Walker - "Roma"

Você não pode fazer uma apresentação sobre a Roma antiga, sem demonstrar alguma nudez. Bem, você pode, mas ninguém quer assistir a uma longa entrevista de uma hora sobre os mais jovens do  maluco Cato ae suas venturas senatoriais . É aí que Polly Walker (Atia) vem com seus seios que ficam  mais tempo na  tela que Lépido, e ele estava em segundo triunvirato! Ugh, você não se importa, não é? basta olhar para os belos  peitos de polly Walker.

Paz de la Huerta – “Boardwalk Empire”

In “Boardwalk Empire,” Paz de la Huerta plays Lucy, the live-in girlfriend of corrupt politician, Nucky Thompson. When your only job is being a corrupt politician’s sex toy, chances are you’re going to be naked a lot. “Boardwalk Empire” doesn’t shy away from this fact.

Paz de la Huerta - "Boardwalk Empire"

Em "Boardwalk Empire", Paz de la Huerta interpreta Lucy, a amiga do político corrupto, Nucky Thompson. Quando o seu único trabalho é ser corrupto, político e sexo as chances são que você vai ficar muito nua "Boardwalk Empire" não foge dessa realidade.


Posted via email from alledz's posterous