sábado, 14 de agosto de 2010




Muitos fãs dA GRAPHIC NOVEL original de Bryan Lee O'Malley, aguardam ansiosamente a adaptação do filme, Scott Pilgrim vs. O mundo, durante o verão. O mash-up de manga-infundido superherois, seqüências de luta de vídeo-game e apelos rock-indie para um público mais amplo cruz e novidades sobre o filme é surpreendente.

" Nós vamos agora, ter que derrotar os meus sete mal", adverte (interpretado por Michael Cera) que tem um interesse amoroso de Scott Pilgrim's , Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). Isto basicamente resume o cerne do filme, mas os seguidores da HQ em que o filme está enraizado , o enredo é muito mais profundo.

O filme altamente estilizados, que estréou no Estados Unidos em 13 de agosto, parece oferecer muito mais : o amor, ação, comédia e grandes nomes de Hollywood - todos enraizados na novela gráfica original, bem como o videogame de mesmo nome.

Embora a critrica do filme tem sido positivo, houve também críticas , na sua maioria destinadas ao seu público-alvo. A nova geração de consumidores graphic novel, viciados em videogames, e os jovens mais experiente interne os NERDS , mas é claro que não são todos.


O Philadelphia Weekly afirma, "Scott Pilgrim vs. Mundo é Fan Service: The Movie, é experiência insular, alienante apenas aos fãs, devotos de coração preso aos meninos de 12 anos de idade. É singularmente viciados em jogos de vídeo e visões das mulheres como objetos de e não oferece nenhum ponto de entrada possível para qualquer pessoa com idade acima de 30. "

Many fans of the original graphic novels by Bryan Lee O'Malley, have been eagerly anticipating the movie adaptation, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, all summer long. The mash-up of manga-infused superheroics, video-game fight sequences and indie-rock appeals to a wide cross over audience and buzz about the film is astounding.

“If we’re gonna date, you may have to defeat my seven evil exes,” warns Scott Pilgrim’s (played by Michael Cera) new love interest, Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). This line basically sums up the crux of the film, but as followers of the comics in which the new film is rooted know, the plot goes far deeper.

The heavily stylized movie, which debuts tomorrow, August 13th, seems to offer a bit for everyone: love, action, comedy, and big Hollywood names -- all rooted in the original graphic novel, as well as the videogame of the same name.


While reviews of the movie have been positive, there have also been hash critiques, mostly aimed at its core audience. The new generation of graphic novel consumers, video game addicts, and internet savvy multi-tasking youth identify with Pilgrim, but of course not everyone can relate.

The Philadelphia Weekly states, “Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World is Fan Service: The Movie, an insular, punishingly alienating experience preaching only to the faithful, devoted hearts of arrested 12-year-old boys. It’s singularly fixated on video games and shallow visions of women as one-dimensional objects to be either obtained or discarded and offers no possible point of entry to anybody over the age of 30.”


Fair enough. But the key here is that filmmaker Edgar Wright is not targeting an older crowd, he’s served up the film exactly as a new generation wants it: fast paced, full of indie rockers, vegans, skaters, and of course, celebrities.

Conversely, a review on Rotten Tomatoes states, “Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World is not like anything you’ve ever seen before. Wright mixes the structure of musicals and action films to break up what starts out as a fairly naturalistic relationship comedy with wildly fantastical action fights.”

We’ll let you decide. Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World opens in theaters tomorrow, Friday August 13th.


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