domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010


portuguese and english

Photograph by Norman Won

Broken Social SceneForgiveness Rock Record (Arts & Crafts)

I’m of two minds about Forgiveness Rock Record, the record and it’s Polaris nomination. It’s probably me just projecting my feelings on to others, but it often feels like the jury is trying to retroactively reward some bands’ past creativity on albums that predate the prize’s inception. Recent Twi-hard inductees, Metric, were nominated for both Live It Out and Fantasies, both uninspired, regurgitated, synth-pop when they could have been acknowledged for their two previous albums which you could at least dance to if not mope over privately. The other band in this situation is Broken Social Scene, additionally nominated for their self-titled 2005 album. Forgiveness by most measures is a solid rock album, and stays true to form, but it is not the material that got the band to where they are today. The characteristic yelps of backstage bandmates remain, but the hooks are tired. In the early 2000′s Canadians were seeking a new sound and BSS delivered, but now that sound has gone stale and it’s the other bands on this list who are pushing things forward. Broken Social Scene, like Metric, plowed their way on to the shortlist but only on old momentum and by virtue of their Canadian indie rock royalty status. I doubt they’ll win, but I don’t doubt they’ll be back here with another album. Polaris purgatory. — Justin Everett

As duas mentes sobre o Rock Record, o registro de candidatura e Polaris. É provavelmente se projetando meus sentimentos aos outros, mas freqüentemente me sento como o júri que está tentando recompensar com criatividade de algumas bandas no passado nos álbuns que antecedem o início do prêmio. Recentes Twi-hard, Metric, foram nomeados para os dois Live It Out e fantasias, ambos inspirados, o synth-pop, quando poderia ter sido reconhecido por seus dois álbuns anteriores, que você pode dançar, pelo menos, se não mais reservadamente. A outra banda nesta situação é Broken Social Scene, além de serem nomeado com o auto-intitulado álbum de 2005 ". Que permanece fiel à forma, mas não é o material que a banda possui hoje em dia.

Broken Social Scene, como Metric, forão para a lista, mas apenas em ritmo de idade e em virtude do seu estatuto de indie rock canadense. Duvido que eles vão ganhar, mas não duvido que eles vão voltar aqui com outro álbum.

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