segunda-feira, 5 de abril de 2010



Helious Creed começou na música em 1977. Nos anos 90 a banda misturava grunge e industrial com influências de Killing Joke,Black Sabbath,led zepellin e Metallica.
Letras que vão de paranóia a ficção cientifica segue a linha de bandas da gravadora Wax Trax como Pailheah e Lard com mais de 20 albuns metade de trabalhos solo tem na formação o Guitarrista Damon Edge outro guitarrista e baixista Jhon Lambidin e Gary Spain.
a banda se separou e voltou em 1985 e retornou com albuns Xrated fary tales e superior catholic lançados peal Subterrean label
Helious creed lançou o album Last Laugh pela AMphetameine Reptile que lançou bandas como Guzzard,Today is Day

Helious Creed in music began in 1977. In the 90s grunge band and industrial mixed with influences of Killing Joke, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and Metallica.
Letters ranging from paranoia science fiction follows the line of bands from the label Wax Trax as Pailheah and Lard with more than 20 albums of solo work half plays in shaping the Damon edge Guitar another guitarist and bassist Gary Spain Jhon Lambidin
the band broke up and returned in 1985 and returned with albums Xrated Fary tales and more catholic launched peal Subterrean label
Helious creed released the album Last Laugh by Amphetamine Reptile that launched bands like Guzzardi, Today is Day

Helious Creed je započeo u glazbi u 1977. U 90-grunge bend i industrijskih pomiješana s utjecajima Killing Joke, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin i Metallica.
Pisma od paranoidne znanstvene fantastike prati liniju bendova iz Voštana Trax label kao Pailheah i svinjska mast s više od 20 albuma solo raditi polovicu igra u oblikovanju gitarist Damon Edge i drugi gitarist i basist Gary Španjolske Lambidin Jhon.
družina se raspala i vratio se u 1985 i vratio se s albumima Xrated Fary priča i više katoličkih pokrenula zvonjava Subterrean label
Helious vjerovanje izdao album Last Laugh od reptila AMphetameine koja je pokrenuta bendova poput Guzzardi, Danas je Dan

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