sexta-feira, 3 de junho de 2011


Confira os shortinhos da Mulher Maravilha que deixava o seu bumbum maravilha a mostra

Check Out Wonder Woman's Booty Shorts From The Now-Dead Pilot

portuguese and english

Todos estavam com receio que mulher maravilha pudesse dar certo na tela pequena

e todos espervam ve-la assm como no Brasil e na America que ela seja levada para telas grandes já que é um dos grandes icones dos super-herois do sexo feminino até grande suceso entre o publico tanto masculino quanto ao feminino

se for para a tela grande tem grandes preferidas como Rosario Dawson,Cristina Hendricks da série MAD MEN e até Beyonce

A minha preferida é Cristina Hendricks tem peitões explosivos como da Linda carter é bela tem corpo esbelto e pode muito bem da o ar sério e dramatico que a personagem exige

falando no uniforme este parece algo que nunca será visto nas tela pelo menos na tv

que buramente foi cancelado pela tv americana e seu puritanismo hipocrita

She may be an Amazonian princess and an important member of the Justice League of America, but that doesn't mean she's super enough to make a fall TV schedule. Yes, as we are all aware by now, NBC has passed on the new network TV version of Wonder Woman from David E. "Ally McBeal" Kelley.

To quickly throw my two cents in, I was whole-heartedly against this idea right from the announcement that Diana Prince would be relegated to the small screen. I'm waiting for SOMEONE to finally pull off a female-led comic book film and not immediately assume that they need to try their hand at TV first. Especially with one of the few female superheroes big enough to possibly draw audiences to theaters (someone call Matthew Vaughn). My preferred lead: Rosario Dawson.

Enough of my wishful thinking, let's get to what we're really for: checking out the costume that will never see the glow of a TV screen. Thankfully, Twitter has come to the rescue. Here you have it, the booty-shorted version of the WW costume that you were never going to see. Props to BleedingCool for catching it. Enjoy.

A piloto Mulher Maravilha em fotos no detalhe, incluindo palavrões e piadas sobre Katy Perry:

Wonder Woman Pilot Photos And Details, Including Swearing And Katy Perry Jokes


Muitos fãs estão lamentado o fato da série da Mulher Maravilha ter mudanças em seu traje tradicional

iFoi postada um texto sobre um episódio inacabado e mudanças no roteiro

anterior pidas sobre o processo legal de Katy Perry que já fo removido

assim como as numerosas referêncais a cultura pop e cenas que envolviam a Mulher Maravilha correndo passando por várias pessoas vestidas como persongens de cartoons.

depois de censuras a série sobre a boneca da mulher Marvailha que dizia palavrões como mama por duas vezes e burro??

burro é que se ofende com este tipo de palavrões

como tem americano melindrado!!

não faz sentido dublar palavrões de modo intencional o público percebe quando esta sendo enganado o filme teve melhorias em relação ao roteiro original mas não foi algo que convenceu NBC se o piloto vai ser liberado as chances são prováveis, considerando a versão que esta inacabada.

algué terá que botar grana para acabar a série

While the Wonder Woman pilot may not be going to series, there may be some of you out there who are still mourning what might have been and interested in what actually was, but wasn't enough. If that's the case, there are some new details on the pilot and a few photos featuring Wonder Woman in and out of costume. posted a critique of the pilot and how the unfinished episode compared to the script they read previously. Apparently, a running joke about a Katy Perry lawsuit was removed, as were numerous “groan inducing” pop-culture references and a scene involving Wonder Woman running past various people dressed as cartoon characters.

he script also indicated that there will be bleeped out cursing in the series which no longer occurs, though in a meeting about a ridiculously endowed Wonder Woman doll Diana does say the word “tits” twice and "ass" once.

There's a photo on iFanboy that appears to be related to the scene about the doll. As for bleeping out swear words, I'm of the mindset that a gimmick like that only works well on shows like The Office or Modern Family where there's a mocumentary-style of story telling. Bleeping out a curse on a drama series on TV doesn't make sense and is in line with the awkward dubbing you hear over swear words when movies are edited for television broadcast. Doing it intentionally seems silly.

Over all, it sounds like iFanboy thinks the pilot was an improvement on the original script, but clearly it wasn’t enough to win NBC over as the network passed on it. As for whether or not the pilot will be released to view online, iFanboy doesn’t think the odds are likely, considering the version they saw was unfinished. As they point out, it’s unlikely anyone’s going to shell out money to finish a pilot that’s not going to series.

Below is another photo from the pilot and you can check out bigger versions of all four images posted at

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