ROCKER COURTNEY LOVE has sensationally claimed she had a lesbian fling with KATE MOSS.
Courtney Love foi sensacional alegou que ela teve um caso lésbico com Kate Moss.
LESBIAN ROCKS?????????????????????????
portuguese and english
Courtney love supreendeu mais uma vez alegou para algumas amigas que se sentia distante
da filha e que passou a noite com Kate Moss disse que comeram um Snogged
Courtney tem relacionamentos que são tragedia gregas primeiro foi Kurt cobain que se suicidou, depois com o Astro Edward Norton que não gostava da tatuagem com a palavra K
e agora com Kate Moss na festa de abertura da loja Topshop em Knightsbridge
e falando em Kate Moss seria ela a She -Hulk seu vestido rasgado indica que ela seja
realmente a Heroina esmeralda prima de Bruce Banner?????
Courtney love very surprised once again argued for some friends that she felt distant
daughter and spent the night with Kate Moss said that they ate a snogged
Courtney has relationships that are first Greek tragedy was Kurt Cobain who committed suicide after the Astro with Edward Norton did not like the tattoo with the word K
and now with Kate Moss at the opening party for Topshop store in Knightsbridge
and Kate Moss would be speaking in her She-Hulk ripped her dress indicates that it is
Heroin really emerald cousin Bruce Banner ?????
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