Ela foi materia da Revista da Trip e também do amaury Jr. É a ousadia mais heavy metal entre os Dj's a perfomace chamda de Dj Topless tem entre as adeptas Dj Ariuka,Dj Nikki Bellucci,Dj Belena ea brasileira Dj Cris Miller ou seja elas entram de Bico nas festas de musica eletronica.As festas regadas a energíticos e beats causam reações diversas como dançar,xingar,rosnar ou seja polêmica que farão parte deste estilo que ninguém sabe ao certo quanto tempo vai durar mas, enquanto isto confira a perfomace musical e principalmente peitoral da moça.
It was matter of the Trip magazine and also Amaury Jr. is the most daring among heavy metal DJ's of the performance goals gettimeofday Topless DJ is among the devotees AriUK Dj, Dj Nikki Bellucci, Brazil and Belena Dj Dj Cris Miller or they come Nozzle in electronic music festivals.The feasts washed down with energíticos beats and cause different reactions such as dancing, swearing, growling or controversy that will be part of this style that no one knows for sure how long it will last, but meanwhile check out the music and performance goals especially the girl's chest.
yeah she's cool, but what about topless russian club djane Shah-Mat ?
ResponderExcluirChris Miller is the pick-up caught fire