english and portuguese
Uma das melhores bandas britanicas do momento desde de 2008 na estrada o quarteto com nomes dos integrantes é no minimo sarcasticos e sugestivos como:ChrisCarnage(guitarvocals) Mikey Massacre(guitarvocals) Davey Death(bass)Ben Brutal(drums)
Poderosos sons como WORLD END e A HOPE IN HELL são musicas que conquistam na primeira ouvida influenciados por bandas punks como BULLET LAVOLTA e
e os franceses dos HARD ONS e também bandas de metal como Metallica,Exodus E Avenged Sevenfold. Mas a influencia punk é algo nitido no sons da banda e isto deu a eles a notoriedade e até ganharam um premio o New Bristish Newcomer pela revista kerrang em 2008 portanto ao ouvi-los se divirtam ok
One of the best British bands of the time since 2008 on the road with the quartet members' names is at least suggestive and sarcastic as ChrisCarnage (guitarvocals) Mikey Massacre (guitarvocals) Davey Death (bass) Ben Brutal (drums)
Powerful sounds like WORLD END and A HOPE IN HELL are songs that capture the first hearing influenced by punk bands like Bullet Lavolta and
French and the HARD ONS and also metal bands like Metallica, Exodus and Avenged Sevenfold. But the punk influence is something nitido the sounds of the band and this gave them the reputation and even won a prize the New Bristish Newcomer Kerrang magazine in 2008 so to hear them have fun ok
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